Game of thrones - Khal Drogo and his lovely khaleesi Deanerys |
Ko je ukrao romantiku? Da li se izgubila negde vremenom? Da li smo je mi
izgubili? Da li iko više zna pravo značenje reči romantika? Plašim se da ne
znamo. Devojke gledaju limunada filmove (romantične komedije) i na kraju s
uzdahom kažu: „Kada i gde ću ja naći ovakvog čoveka?“ Ako se ne potrudimo,
odgovor je: NIKAD I NIGDE! Da li se ijedna pitala da li ga je možda već
upoznala a da to nije ni znala?
Da li ste sve ubeđene da ovi ljudi o kojima se snimaju filmovi više
nepostoje? Mislite da su samo urbane legende? Ne slažem se s vama u potpunosti.
Znam da ste sve u jedan glas odmah po čitanju rekle DA ali isto tako mislim da
ima tananih glasića koje je bilo sramota da kažu ne, samo zato što su u manjini.
Da li smatrate da vi ustvari ne želite da osetite romantiku? Plašite se da
nečija slatkorečivost je ustvari samo
obmana kako bi vam srušio zid emocija i povredio vas. Plašite se da će boleti, da
nećete nikome posle njega verovati i da se nikada nećete oporaviti. Pa zašto
onda verujete u ljubav na prvi pogled, zašto verujete da ste dobrog izabrale
kao doživotnog saputnika i da ćete moći s njime do kraja svog života biti u
dobru i zlu? Zašto ako su svi loši? Ako im se ne treba verovati? Ako će vas
povrediti? Da bi okusili pravu ljubav nekada moramo priložiti i par žrtava, par
slojeva svog srca. Srce je jako i svakim porazom ono ojačava i biva još jače. Svakom
razotkrivenom muškom obmanom, upoznaćete bolje muškarce i tako ćete skrojiti
model svog izabranika. Ne srcem, ne
fizičkim izlgedom, ne finansijama, ne zajedničkim odabirom muzike već
zajedničkim kvalitetima. Kada pokuša da vas zavede i njegova predstava bude uspešna
ali ne kao podla obmana već kao veo ljubavi i kompatibilnosti. Tada ćete znati
šta je Romantika! A pre svega treba da počnete da cenite ljude oko sebe, svakog
pojedinačno. Nikada se ne zna gde čeka neko baš na tebe...
stole the romance? Is it lost somewhere in time? Did we lost it? Does anyone know
the true meaning of the word romance? I’m afraid not. Girls watching romantic comedies,
and at the end said with a last breath: “When and where will I find such a man?” If
you can not make an effort, the answer is: NEVER AND NOWHERE! Does no one wondering
if she already met him and didn’t know it?
you convinced that these people in movies are non-existent anymore? Do you
think they are just urban legends? I do not agree with you completely. I know
you all with one voice, immediately after the reading of said YES but I also
think there are a tiny little voice that was ashamed to say no, just because
they are in the minority.
you think that you really do not want to feel the romance? Are you afraid that someone's
oiliness is in fact only a delusion to make you broke your wall of emotions and
hurt you. Are you afraid it will hurt you, not to trust anyone after him and will
never recover. So why do you believe in love at first sight, why you believe you
have chosen a good companion for life and that you can be with him for the rest
of yours life in good and evil? Why if they are all bad? If they are not to be
trusted? If they hurt you? To taste the true love we have to attach a pair of victims,
pair layers of your hart. The heart is strong and every defeat it strengthens
and becomes even stronger. Each man's deception revealed, get to know them better
and so you tailor your ONE AND ONLY!
Not with a hart, not by physical appearance, not finance, not with same selection
of music, but with common qualities. When he try to seduce you and his
performance is successful but not as an outrageous delusion but as the veil of
love and compatibility. Then you'll know what a ROMANCE is! And above all you should start to appreciate those
around you, individually. You never know where someone is just waiting on you...