Kada sam objavila post o džentlmenima, ni sama nisam verovala
da postoje van moje okoline. Juče sam se razuverila! Ušla sam u autobus na
drugoj stanici od početka rute. Neki
mladić, slobodna procena ispod trideset godina, je sedeo na mom omiljenom
mestu. Pored njega, do prozora, je bilo slobodno. Malo sam se snebivala jer je
to mesto po samom dizajnu autobusa najskučenije, pa je često i prazno. Ipak sam
pokazala rukom ka mestu, kao propratni signal da želim proći, i upitala:
„Jel´ slobodno?“
„Evo sedite ovde, ja silazim na sledećoj.“ Reče mladić i
Dok sam sedela, a i koji minut duže, vrtela sam iznova
njegovu rečenicu u glavi. Da li je on meni stvarno persirao? Zašto je ustao
toliko pre stanice? Da li džentlmenstvo stvarno postoji? I krucijalno pitanje:
Koliko ih još ima u gradu, državi, kontinentu, planeti Zemlji?
Ako postojite, molim vas da podčinite znanjem one koji to
p.s. puno se zahvaljujem nekim osobama koje ne bih imenovala
sada jer se plašim da slučajno izostavim nekoga. Znam da se ne znaju da o njima
pišem, jer im je to normalno ponašanje. Samo da pomenem bar nekoliko imena: Aleksandar V., Veselin D., Ivan M., Bojan M. i imena se dalje
When I published
a post on the gentleman, even I did not believe that there exist outside of my
environment. Yesterday I undeceive myself! I entered the bus at the second stop
of the route. A young man, free estimates under thirty years old, was sitting at
my favorite place. Next to him, to the window, it was free. I was a little hesitate because it is a place in the most confined part of bus design,
and is often empty. But I showed the hand to the place, as additional signal that
I wanted to go, and asked:
"Is it free?"
"You may
sit here, I get off on the next." Said the young man and stood up.
While I was
sitting, and a minute longer, I revolved again and again his sentence in my
head. Did he really respects me? Why do he got up so before his station? Do gentlemen
really exist? The crucial question: How many are there in the city, state, continent,
planet Earth?
If you exist, please
submit to knowledge of those who are not gentlemen...
P.S. A lot to
thank some people who I would not mention now, because I’m afraid to accidentally leave
out someone. I know they do not know that I write about them now, because
this is normal behavior for them. Just say a few names: Aleksandar V., Veselin
D., Ivan M., Bojan M. and names continue...