Straža! Straža!

Straža! Straža! Teri Pračet

Ako ste već pročitali sve što je prevedeno od epske fantastike na srpski jezik, vreme je da se upoznate sa Teri Pračetom. Ako ste opčinjeni zmajevima, prva knjiga treba da vam bude baš ova: Straža! Straža!

Grupa ljudi je osnovala tajno društvo da bi dobrovoljno "prizvali" zmaja koji će da im teroriše grad. To bi trebalo da privuče "izgubljenog" kraljevića da se bori za svoj narod, ubije zmaja i dokaže svoje poreklo. Naravno, tada novo otkriveni kraljević bi trebalo da  preuzime vlast nad gradom i pretvori ga u monarhiju. Ah, da. Taj kraljev potomak ni ne zna da je to. Trebalo bi da shvati kada oseti potrebu i hrabrost da ubije zmaja i spase svoj "napaćeni" narod od nemani. Sve je to zvučalo dobro u "teoriji" Vrhovnog vođe tajnog društva, jer je on imao svoj vlastiti plan.

Uživajte u duhovitosti, ljudskoj gluposti i neočekivanosti koju je Pračet napisao. Obuzeće vas do kraja.

Guards! Guards! Terry Pratchett

If you've already read everything from epic fantasy translated into Serbian, it's time to get acquainted with Terry Pratchett. If you are fascinated with dragons, the first book you should read is this one: Guards! Guards!

A group of people founded a secret society that voluntary "summon" the dragon which is going to terrorizing the city. This should attract the "lost" the prince to fight for his people, kills the dragon and prove his origins. Of course, the newly discovered Prince should take over the town and turn it into a monarchy. Ah, yes.New Prince does not even know that he is the one. He should realize when he feel the need and the courage to kill the dragon and save his "suffering" people of the dragon. All this sound good in "theory" of the Supreme leader of a secret society, because he had his own plan.

Enjoy the humor, human stupidity, and unexpectedness that was written by Pratchett. It will capture you to the end.