Uspeh! Success!

Vaterpolisti Srbije
Teniser Srbije
Rukometaši Srbije

Uspeh je nešto što se ne prašata, teško postiže, u šta se mnogo ulaže, lako zaboravlja i uvek nazdravlja...
Danas si neko, sutra niko. Danas gladuješ, sutra imaš i za druge. Danas ne spavaš i bol u telu te lomi ali ne posustaješ jer znaš gde ideš i šta te čeka, sutra kada si sve uzeo što si želeo i kašika ti je teška.
Kada ti je najteže seti se da može i gore, a kada ti je najlepše: urami taj izraz na licu ne bi li zabeležio sreću (kao što sam ja ovde našla slike ljudi koji su doživeli veliki uspeh u svom životu i u jednom trenutku doživeli preplavljenje emocija, vrhunac svoje sreće, koji je zabeležen okom objektiva) kada je zaboraviš, kada ti opet bude teško, da znaš za šta se boriš, kuda da usmeriš svoj životni kompas, da ti slika sopstvene sreće da snage za dalje.
Izgovori su za ljude koji ne znaju gde žele ići, nemaju jasan cilj u svom životu i ne praštaju tuđe uspehe.

 Success is something that can not forgive, difficult to achieve, in what has been investing much, easily forgotten and always toast ...
 Today you are someone, tomorrow you are nobody. Today you are starving, tomorrow have for everyone else. Today you are not sleeping and pain in your body is crushing you, but you don't give up because you know where you're going and what awaits you, tomorrow when you take all - the spoon is tough for you.
 When it's the hardest, remember it could easy be worst, and when it's the best: take a picture of your happy face so you can frame the happiness (as I put the pictures of people who achieve maybe the biggest success in there lives - Waterpolo team from Serbia - gold medal; Tennis Ace from Serbia - gold medal; Handball team from Serbia - silver as it's gold medal... all medals reached in one day which will Serbia never forget January 29th, 2012.) when you forget, when  is difficult again, you know what you fight for, where to direct your life compass, that pictures of your own happiness give the power to go on. 
 Excuses are for people who do not know where they want to go, do not have a clear goal in there own life and do not forgive other people's successes.